Covered California is offering a special enrollment period for Californians who did not know or understand there was a tax penalty for being uninsured in 2014 or who learned they may face a tax penalty for 2015.
The Special Enrollment Period begins February 23rd and Ends April 30th 2015. Consumers need to attest that they did not know there was a tax penalty.
Please note that this Special Enrollment Period is only available through Covered California and certified agents may assist you with the complex application process. Outside the exchange only special life changing events, such as having a baby, marriage, divorce, loss of health insurance due to a loss of job or moving to another area allow you to apply for health coverage during the time from February 16 to November 14th 2015.
During this Special Enrollment Period, let Solid Health Insurance Services help you to obtain affordable health insurance, while allowing you to keep your doctor and hospital of choice.