Why is it so important to raise awareness about long-term care? Because it is an issue that touches so many aspects of our lives.
Women, especially, bear the burden of long-term care costs for three reasons: women live longer than men; they require care longer, and because women more often assume the responsibility for their family’s welfare, they often become the primary caregivers for elderly family members or their partner.
Some 980,000 women over the age of 65 are currently nursing home residents compared to only 337,000 men. Nearly three-fourths (73.6%) of assisted living residents are women. Twice as many women age 65-plus are being cared for in a home setting than men (3.27 million versus 1.68 million). According to the AALTCI.
November is Long Term Care Awareness Month. The Premiums for a middle aged person are considerably lower than the one’s for a 60 year and older person. Chronic diseases, such as hypertension, can make insurance more expensive.
So do not delay further, call me to learn more about long term care insurance choices.