Anthem Blue Cross Customer got their Thanksgiving ruined, as they are are receiving their health insurance rate increase letter for 2013, announcing a 25 % rate increase, and feeling powerless how to find affordable health insurance in Brentwood, Santa Monica and the rest of California.
If feels like deja vu, in 2010 , 2011 and now in 2012 Anthem Blue Cross is asking their customer for exorbitant rate increases due to increasing medical costs. The insurance commissioner Dave Jones, who is trying since six years to pass a state bill that would allow his office to intervene when insurance carriers asking for excessive rate hikes, is powerless . Jones has already qualified a ballot initiative for a 2014, that would give his office a veto right when rate increases seem excessive.
In the meantime what is a Anthem Blue Cross Customer got to do, none of us has gotten a 25 % income increase .
The only thing what helped in the last two years to lower Anthem Blue Cross greed was massive bad publicity, which helped to lower the rates. This year however I believe healthy Anthem Blue Cross Customer have a choice. Shop the insurance market. Cigna who wants to enter the individual insurance market, has good quality plans with reasonable rates and offer a 12 months rate stability, which none of the other insurance carrier are offering. So with a 12 month rate guarantee you can bridge to 2014, when the complete insurance market for individual and small business will change, with the introduction of health care exchanges and guaranteed issue health plans for all individuals . Company loyalty has not helped any health insurance customer, the only answer to greed is to shop the insurance market and find a plan that fits better your family needs.
Now is the time to get help from your health insurance agent. Solid Health Insurance Services will help you to find affordable health insurance in Brentwood, Santa Monica and West Los Angeles and the rest of California.