[gplus count=”true” href=”https://solidhealthinsurance.com/blog/fathers-day-how-well-do-men-take-care-of-their-health-and-have-affordable-health-insurance-in-west-los-angeles” size=”Medium” ]Almost 70 % of men find it easier to care for their car than for their personal health, according to a recent survey from Men’s Health Network, so looking for affordable health insurance in West Los Angeles is put on the back burner.
The study found that men are more likely to have no health care coverage and half as likely as women to make preventive visits to a doctor. The social pressures for men to “man up”, “toughen up”, and to not complain about health ailments, results in today’s men living increasingly unhealthy lifestyles. More than 70 percent of men are overweight or obese (compared to 64% of women), around a quarter die from either heart disease or cancer and more than 32,000 men will die of prostate cancer each year.
So, with this Father’s Day, give yourself, the man in your life and/or your dad, the gift of letting him know that you want him to take care of himself and live a healthier, happier and longer life. Make sure that your men living in West Los Angeles takes care of his health and finds affordable health insurance.