If you graduating this year, there are more than one alternative to find affordable health insurance in Santa Monica.
One of the advantages of the health care reform is that you can continue staying on the health insurance plan from your parents until you turn 26 years old. This makes sense if your parents employee is paying for the health insurance plan or you have pre-existing health conditions.
But if you are healthy it makes sense to shop for an individual insurance plan for the recent Graduate.The premium for a 25 year old range between $ 100- $ 200, and might be more affordable than staying on the parent group insurance plan, where premium are approx. $ 300.-.
The other alternative is to look for a job who offers benefit such as health and dental insurance and a 401 k. As the job hunt for recently graduated can take longer as expected, it does make sense in the meantime to buy individual health insurance for your graduate.
We will assist you to determine which alternative will be the most suitable for your graduate, and help you to find affordable health insurance in Santa Monica.