Blue Shield and Aetna refuse to lower rate increase – is this a result of Obamacare?

Despite objections from the California Insurance Department, health insurance carrier  Blue Shield of California and Aetna Inc. are proceeding with double-digit rate increases that state officials said were unreasonable.  The rising cost of hospital and physician...

Good news for affordable health insurance in Santa Monica, Anthem reduces rate

Good news Anthemjust informed that they are going ahead with the rate reduction for their policy holders, maybe, affordable health insurance in Santa Monica is still possible. After a steep premium increase for Individual health insurance policy holder of approx. 18 %...

Anthem rate increase revised by act of insurance commissioner – there is hope for affordable health insurance in Santa Monica and the rest of California

Anthem will reduce their most recent health insurance premium increase due to active negotiations with the insurance commissioner- there is still hope for affordable health insurance in Santa Monica and the rest of California. Many of you may have seen news coverage...

How will the health care exchange in Santa Monica California look like and what is expected for 2013

In 2013,  the implementation of the health care exchanges in Santa Monica and the rest of California will begin.  Here is a quick timeline showing  what to expect in 2013. Health Insurance Agents  will have to get a certification in May or June to be able to sell on...