by Barbara Kempen | Jan 14, 2016 | Affordable Health Insurance, Health Insurance Brentwood, Health Insurance Pacific Palisades, Health Insurance Santa Monica, Uncategorized
On November 20, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued proposed regulations that address a wide range of Affordable Care Act (ACA) benefit provisions that will be effective for 2017 plan years. Published each fall, these rules will be finalized in...
by Barbara Kempen | Nov 12, 2015 | Affordable Health Insurance, Health Insurance Brentwood, Health Insurance Pacific Palisades, Health Insurance Santa Monica
So, you have paid the out-of-pocket maximum (rates varying depending on what type of plan you have) under the Affordable Care Act. Does this mean that everything else is now covered? Unfortunately not. Despite having hit the maximum, you will still have to pay any...