Is an IUL right for you?

Is an IUL right for you?

Is an Indexed Universal Life (IUL) insurance policy right for you? IULs have exploded since the late 1990’s thanks to Transamerica which first started offering these products in 1997. Now, most major life insurance carriers offer IULs, Term and/or Whole Life...

Why woman should have life insurance in Santa Monica

With high mortgages and ever rising cost of education and living expenses every family, husband and wife, in Santa Monica should make sure that their life insurance covers their needs. To often families oversee that not only the breadwinner should carry life insurance...

Back to School – a great time to review your life insurance in Santa Monica

Schools in Los Angeles  and Santa Monica started as early as in the middle of August. Many families are already back in normal routines. Now is the perfect time to review your life insurance needs. We often forget that life changes, such as marrying, buying a bigger...

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month- do not postpone any longer your life insurance needs in West Los Angeles

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